Holder: No Equality Under “Hate” Crimes Bill
Face the facts, White America, the Jews are now hurriedly trying to create the legal framework to shut-up awakened White people, should we dare breath a word about the protected classes: The Homos, the Negroes and, of course, the always so ”victimized” Jews — who have been the real force behind all this in the first place!
And yeah, I know that the bill, the S.909 – The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act is only meant for the federal prosecution of violent crime, but there’s also HR 6123 – the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Act, another new law that could be used against free speech. I also know they are plenty of traditional state laws already on the books that are used all the time and work just fine. This whole Matthew Shepard business just goes on and on and on.
No, these kind of laws will eventually get liberally interpreted (probably much sooner than you think) and twisted around down the road to attack free speech, probably by some lefty California or Massachusetts Federal Judge, looking to set precedence for God-knows-who pulling strings behind the scenes. You just watch.
And how the hell are these laws supposed to work to begin with? Will they be able to read people’s minds before the crime was committed?
Let’s say you like your noggin closely shaved and have a lot of scary-looking Viking tatts on your forearms — are you going to take the time to ask that mugger if he’s gay before you take a swing at him for stealing your wife’s purse? Or how about that arrogant Kinda-Negro ”playa,” who keeps trying to pick up your son’s girlfriend in some college nightclub, goading him out of sheer “get-back-at-whitey” pleasure since he now thinks he’s so untouchable?
Things are already bad enough with these spoiled, violent and militant people, but now we’re going to have a major class of legal untouchables in the US — not at all like the lower-caste untouchables of India — but sacred bastards strutting around, reveling and gloating over their Federally-protected privileged butts.
But we all know that this is really to protect the global Zionist Jew from exposure, since so many Whites are now coming to their senses about the real deal. These people are smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall — they know if the Internet continues unfettered, eventually a critical mass will be reached and the JIG will be up!
Americans have had it with all the Jew scam artists, the non-stop “anti-Semitism” rap, Holocaust worship, Israeli genocides on the Palestinians (the West Bank will be racially cleansed by the Jew, while we’re distracted by something really bad). They also desparetely want to get at Iran and the Global Zionist Jew has to have ways to shut us up STAT, should we finally decide enough is enough with these war-mongering and subversive people.
Not only that, they want to finally render powerless and voiceless the White Middle class of America, up to this point through immigration, taxes and loss of livelihoods through lay-offs and globalism.
Obama’s selection for Attorney General (or selected for him by the Zionists), is another ”person of color” and is pretty much the number-one lawman in the country (he put through the pardon of billionaire Jew scamster, Marc Rich). The above video shows him perambulating and obfuscating, or trying to, but eventually comes clean about the new hate laws he’s so obviously insistent to see pass:
Under questioning, Attorney Gen. Holder was surprisingly forthright in admitting that the hate bill is not intended to protect everyone, or even the majority. He said only historically oppressed minorities were to benefit. This means Jews, blacks, homosexuals, women, etc. Holder made it clear that if a white Christian male, including a serviceman or police officer, was the victim of a violent hate crime by any minority he would have to find redress from traditional law. He could not avail himself of the triple penalties and rapid government/justice system response given a protected minority. READ MORE HERE
Subversive Canadian Jews paid this man to organize Nazis!
Folks, the Jews have been playing this game on America’s head for decades. They did all this to Canada, as recently revealed here by a Jew author who said that the Canadian Jewish Congress secretly organized and funded NeoNazi organizations (right); and created phony “hate speech,” just so they could fear-monger the Canadian public into signing away their freedom of speech.
If you dare say something about Homos up there or the sacred Jews (God forbid), they’ll have you hauled before the PC Inquistion — the Canadian “Human Rights” committee— costing you big bucks and time; maybe even being thrown in jail!
Let’s say you’re a White person against genocide and you’ve heard about the Jews committing blatant new atrocities against the Palestinians from an overseas friend (you barely see anything in the US media now and it’ll be virtually nothing once these laws get turned around). You’ve had enough and have finally come to the conclusion that these people have been the real Nazis all along (they are).
At that point, will you be able to say anything, without getting into real legal trouble or even have any kind of public venue to speak up in the first dam place?
For the moment, let’s forget about the Homos and Negroes. That’s the “window dressing” that Jews have always used to hide behind wherever they live in White countries. Jews don’t really care all that much about them to begin with, but pretend to so as to keep us evil Whites divided and distracted in our countries.
The older Jews might privately call Homos “Fagellas” and Negroes, “Schwartzes,” while the younger Jews just use the usual terms you might imagine reading here (you should see all the comments from enraged Jews that I spam here). Jews I’ve known personally, have been totally “politically incorrect” — so much so that even your’s truly was shocked and embarrassed by what they said. And that’s saying a lot!
But this is not something from the little Jews, even though many of them push for the liberal agendas out of inner fear of us Whites going all Nazi on their butts. No, Big Jewry can’t have the masses in the countries under their financial and economic control figure out the real deal: That would be bad for business!
It’s really been a race between an awakening America and Big Jewry. Can you not sense the quickening pace these days? Have you not noticed the non-stop bills, the talking heads and all the Obama blather?
Big Jewry has been gradually transforming America towards a Judaized/Marxist State, shifting our politics and moralities leftward so as to marginalize and demonize any White person who has figured out the game and dares to utter a warning to his fellow Whites about the deal.
Not only have we been in a race against time, we’ve also been in one-sided race war with these people for a long time now. Look at all the things they are always behind and work non-stop getting Whites to follow: Diversity, constant political and social confusion, race frictions, Gay rights, Feminism, Abortion, Miscegenation, economic collusion, immigration of non-Whites into White countries, eternal wars against other Whites and now against the Muslims with “the wars on terror,” etc. ETC.
Look at all the stuff they are now rushing through the US government these days: TARP bailouts, stimulus this and stimulus that, nationalizing banking, bankrupting GM, empowering the Federal Reserve as “overseers,” Health insurance reform, Cap-and-Trade global warming BS.
With all this, Thought Crime bills might seem like some little thing and get ignored by a confused and distracted populace (and we know how the media purposefully ignores certain things). Yet, in the end, these kinds of bills may very well turn out to be the worst things ever passed for the White race (among many).
Just take a minute and think about the Cap-and-Trade law the traitors in DC just passed in the House (coming up in the Senate). This will be the final nail in the coffin for US manufacturing and will raise people’s electricity bills by at least 25%. The mainstream news barely mentioned any real details, filling up the airwaves with the ridiculous non-stop coverage of the drug overdose of some pedophile celebrity, a bankrupt has-been — that famous freaky Negro who hated being born black!
Once the Jews get what they want in place, the Police State infrastructure (the “war on terror”) and thought crime laws, those intellectual Whites who had previously supported liberal agendas (once called “useful idiots” by Lenin) will be cast aside and targeted for destruction; simply because they are now potential enemies, should they come to the realization they’ve been used all along. Many will not even see that until they are showed the gates to their new home — the Gulag.
They did this exact same thing to Russia in the last century which ended up killing and starving to death millions of Whites, deemed “Enemies of the State” by the murderous Jewish communist power structure.
The First Amendment of our Constitution was written for us Americans to be able to share notes, talk among ourselves and come together as a unified force so as to prevent such evil people from gaining power in our government, stealing this nation out from under us and turning Freedom-loving Americans into real-life slaves, instead of the wage/tax slave program they’ve managed to put us on since 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve act.
That’s right: Did you know that not one dime of your Federal taxes goes to running the government, but towards the interest payments on debt to the privately owned money monopoly, the Federal Reserve — now running around 40 million dollars an hour!
Every-time these bastards decide to blow another ten billion dollar wad on Wall Street chums, or the umpteenth hand-out to some tin-pot African dictator’s AIDS program so they can score political points with crybaby do-gooders back in the US — you and your children and your children’s children end up paying for with hard work.
Right along with that, inflation has always been a massive hidden tax that keeps you on the treadmill while the Jew banking parasites sit back all fat and happy, laughing at us Goyim chumps for working so hard and being so stupid.
Because of all this, the US dollar is now rapidly becoming worthless funny money, not only on the world stage, but at home too, an irreedeemable prommisory note from the Fed — not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous!
These International Jews know the sweet heart deal they engineered for themselves in the White countries of the West, especially in the good old US of A — they just can’t have the America public figure it out or they might lose the whole schtick. Looking down the road, they can foresee that they have to have put in the tools to shut us up ASAP, while we’re all distracted by the other recent economic issues and before we get too wise due to the Internet.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots on this, anymore. International Jewry has been just like a giant boa constrictor wrapped around America’s head and the White race. You Whites out there had better start waking up the hell up — you will sooner or later — but by then it may be too late.
We have to put a stop to the subversive Jews NOW, before America is turned into another Jew/Commie State and White people, including your children and grandchildren, are faced with daily hell on earth!
The Enemy In The Mirror...
Today Sen. Patrick Leahy delivered on his promise to hold a federal hate bill hearing. Yet it was meant to only further his agenda, strongly slanted against opponents of the hate bill.
Attorney Gen. Eric Holder and three other hate bill witnesses chosen by Leahy had a four-to-two advantage over opponents of S. 909…Leahy’s time restrictions (little more than two hours) forced these outnumbered patriots, led by the excellent arguments of Sen. Jeff Sessions, to severely narrow their objections. An issue of such danger and complication demands at least three days of hearings, with more than just two witnesses permitted to object!
Holder’s testimony and questions lasted 75 minutes. In any normal environment his rigid and flat-footed performance would have to be deemed a disaster. As Pike notes:
Under questioning, Attorney Gen. Holder was surprisingly forthright in admitting that the hate bill is not intended to protect everyone, or even the majority. He said only historically oppressed minorities were to benefit. This means Jews, blacks, homosexuals, women, etc. Holder made it clear that if a white Christian male, including a serviceman or police officer, was the victim of a violent hate crime by any minority he would have to find redress from traditional law. He could not avail himself of the triple penalties and rapid government/justice system response given a protected minority.
These catastrophic admissions were extracted by Senators Sessions (R-AL) and Coburn (R-OK). The webcast of the Hearings is here (on right) and the relevant passages are 59-61 minutes (Sessions) and 72-5 minutes (Coburn).
All those conservative Christians who engaged in the ridiculous PC non-sense of referring to muslim terrorists as "Islamo-fascists" (and other such terms), instead of simply, muslims, are about to come to terms with what they were proliferating.
By not simply referring to them as muslims, but making allusions to "fanatics" and "extremists", the conservative-Christian has set down the ground work for their own, soon to be, persecution and prosecution as "extremists" and "fanatics".
But then the conservative-Christian has been doing this for years in denouncing their own people, their own Christian forebearers, as "racists" and "mass murders".
Instead of constructing a defence on the part of their forebearers, the conservative Christian simply cast them under the historical bus and denounced them for behaving "unChristian-like".
Now the conservative-Christian is having the same thing done to themselves.
Political Correctness is the guillotine of Western Civilization and Christianity.
For the past several decades conservative-Christians have been helping to build the damn thing thinking it was to used on the "bad guys".
Now they find out it is for them.
The beliefs of today's conservatives, Christian or not, are completely removed from the traditional beliefs of the people who built our civilization.
Believing in such non-sense as racial or gender equality is to embrace the people who first propagated such garbage in the modern age, Marxists.
Terms like "racism" and concepts such as "equality", "tolerance" and "diversity" came straight out of the anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-Western Soviet Union.
Christians today, even conservative evangelical Christians, seem oblivious to the fact that their brand new, a-hisotrical, interpretation of scriptures just happen to fit comfortably with the philosophy of people who have openly and loudly proclaimed themselves the enemy of Christ.
Signals from the brink
So many good points to be highlighted here. What with all the laws passed and discriminatory actions taken so obviously against the white race in ever increasing manner - it is absolutely astounding that our people cannot wake up and admit this reality. Open yer eyes people !
Yep, open season on us has been broadcast on all channels far 'n wide. The strutting nigger realizes this as do the other heathens. They have been loosed among us with a purpose in mind, which this post has stated.
Besides plain ol distraction and destruction though ... the jew derives pleasure from our sufferings.
And some of our own are not pure as driven snow either.
Obadiah 10 - 16
I've said it before, as have others - I fully believe that jewish efforts are behind MANY of our white nationalist movements ... as the article states about Canada. Folks underestimate their enemy and this will prove fatal.
Our folk are not ready or willing to institute the Biblical litmus tests to weed out the infiltrator ... not yet anyway, but the time will come. Perhaps as a last resort.
It's not our guns and might they fear ... they have more than enough willing drones to fill their front line ranks (look at Oooobama's youth enlistments for one).
2 Kings 6:11 - 18
2 Chronicles 32
There is more Truth coursing thru the internet that will bring about their downfall than mere awareness of their positions of manipulations.
They have a chink in their armour ... an area of vulnerability.
As far as being tied in with the muslims, they needed no more excuse to demonize us than to reference the Bible ... the TRUE understanding therein.
We can read clearly the words of our King as He aptly described them. As He worked up a sweat in righteous indignation and beat hell outa 'em and drove 'em out the ancient pharisiacal/ federal reserve building.
An "anti semite, hate monger, white seperatist, rabble raiser" if ever I saw one.
(and in case the one with skid marks in his polyester trousers stops by ...
this mentioning of an aspect of Christ is NOT all encompassing.
You cannot throw out 9/10ths and expect to make sense of or do right by utilizing only a small fraction of what's desirable to YOU.
Repentance is prerequisite to eyesight.
2Ch 32:7 Be brave and confident! There's no reason to be afraid of King Sennacherib and his powerful army. We are much more powerful,
2Ch 32:8 because the LORD our God fights on our side. The Assyrians must rely on human power alone. These words encouraged the army of Judah.
2Ki 6:15 When Elisha's servant got up the next morning, he saw that Syrian troops had the town surrounded. "Sir, what are we going to do?" he asked.
2Ki 6:16 "Don't be afraid," Elisha answered. "There are more troops on our side than on theirs."
2Ki 6:17 Then he prayed, "LORD, please help him to see." And the LORD let the servant see that the hill was covered with fiery horses and flaming chariots all around Elisha.
Those are some mighty inspiring verses!
"Repentance is prerequisite to eyesight"
Yes sir it is!
2Kings 6:15 When Elisha's servant got up the next morning, he saw that Syrian troops had the town surrounded. "Sir, what are we going to do?" he asked.
:16 "Don't be afraid," Elisha answered. "There are more troops on our side than on theirs."
:17 Then he prayed, "LORD, please help him to see." And the LORD let the servant see that the hill was covered with fiery horses and flaming chariots all around Elisha.
Those are some mighty inspiring verses!
Yes, they are!
Our God is the same God who parted the Red Sea ... who slew 185,000 Assyrians in one night - I reckon He can still pull a few miracles off, 'eh ?!
We must keep in mind it's not US who should be afraid !!
Stirs me to the marrow !
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