There is nothing complicated about the jewish conspiracy, there are 200 nations, 200 states in the whole world and the jews want to control every single 200 states and once in control the jews starts to destroy your country. This is the jewish conspiracy in essence.
What every single jewish ”intellectual” do their entire life is thinking about how the jews can take control of you state and then destroy your nation, your country. No nation is alike so what the jews do is that they adopt the takeover of the state to that nations circumstance.
Zionism and communism are twins and they are both judaism. The whole communist (con)cept is straight out of the jewish Talmud. Con = persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
The jewish fraud communism has shaped the last century and communism impact on the whole world is unparalleled. So to understand what happend and what is happening you must understand what communism really is and how communism works and what the goal of communism is. Communism is about one thing and one thing only – Jews taking control of the state.
You must understand this so think hard about it. What can you do if you control the state? You can do anything you like.
Once you control the state you can do anything you like. To control the state is the ultimate power you can get in your life and that is what the jews wants – ultimate power – and that is what the jewish conspiracy is all about, taking control of the state.
Communism is all about how the jews can take control of the state and to do that in a dictatorship is very easy, you take control of the secret police and that jews did in Russia 1917. Once you control the secret police in a dictatorship you can do anything you like, now you have the ultimate power and that is what the jews wants.
Russia 1917 was 150 million and six million jews. Why the jews wanted Russia is because she was the biggest country in the world. lf you want the world you go for the biggest countries, not the small ones, them you take later. Russia, one sixth of the world landmass, twelve time zones, twice the size of America. So how can six million jews take over the state and 150 million russians?
They can’t – unless they can con stupid and ignorant non-jews to help the jews taking control of the state and that is what communism really is all about – con non-jews to help the jews taking control of the state.
Anyone who remotely knows anything about communism knows that when the lips of a communist is moving they are lying. Every single thing all communists has ever said or written is a lie. Communism is one big lie and it’s a jewish lie.
The jewish communist will tell all the non-jews anything, they will promise all the non-jews they can have hell or heaven, that they will be the new masters, that they can have anything they want. The jewish communist will lie and use every trick in the book to get the stupid and ignorant non-jews help the jews take control of the state and that is why the jews could take over Russia 1917, because non-jews helped the jews take control of Russia and rename her Sovjet.
All non-jewish communist will tell you that the secret police in Sovjet was 80 percent jews but that it had nothing to do with them being jews. The jews just ”happends” to be 80 percent of the secret police. Who controls the secret police in a dictatorship IS the state. lf you was a jew and was the head of the secret police would you want the non-jews to know that you is the state? Of course not so what you do is you appoint some non-jewish NoBody like Lenin and tell the world that Lenin is controlling the state, when in fact you is the true ruler of the Sovjet state.
The jewish Talmud is a manual to all the jews what they shall do to take control of all the states in the world, communism is only an updated version of Talmud. The jewish Talmud tells the jews that they must use every trick in the book to con the non-jews and that is what communism says too. What the stupid and ignorant non-jewish communist don’t understand is that the jews do exactly that to all the non-jewish communist. The jews take control of the state and then they tell the stupid non-jewish communist that it dosen’t matter that 80 percent of the secret police are jews, and they believe the lying jews.
What the jews do once they are in control of the state is to get rid of their Useful Idiots, that is the stupid non-jewish communists that helped the jews take control of the state. The only non-jews that remains in the state is stupid and ignorant people that don’t have a clue that communism is all about jews controlling the state. All the marxist-leninist mumbo-jumbo is all about to con all the non-jews to not understand that jews are in control of the state. Marxism-leninism is compleat meaningless bullshit for stupid (m)asses, the people. Communism is all about jews taking control of the state, everything else about communism is to con the non-jews from understanding that jews controls the state in every communist dictatorship.
That the secret police in Sovjet was 80 percent jews can be confirmed by many jewish only sources that none can debunk. The fact that jews was the secret police in Sovjet from 1917 to 1991 can’t be refuted by any thinking person. This fact is simply irrefutable. The question is: Can you understand that communism is all about jews taking control of the state? lf you can you understand by now that the jews was in total control of the Sovjet state. Sovjet was run lock, stock and barrel by jews. Lenin, Stalin and all the non-jews in the Sovjet state was just jewish puppets the jew posted up to con the whole world from understanding that jews was in total control of the Sovjet state 1917 to 1991.
Now we have established the fact that jews was in total control of the Sovjet state so what now? One down and 199 states to go so what would you do now as a jew that want control all the 200 states of the world? What l would do and what the jews did was that they turned Sovjet into one big weapon factory. lf you are going to cunquer the world you must have guns and ammo. lf you look at the weapons that was made in Sovjet they all had one thing in common, they were all designed to work under the harshest condition used by uneducated and untrained people. The kind of weapon you need in the 3-world.
Sovjet 1917 to 1991 was nothing but jewish imperialism. Whatever the jews that controlled the Sovjet state did it was all about expanding the Sovjet state and take control of all the other 199 states. To take control of the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (the size of the State Main, USA) was very easy. All you have to do is show up with some few tanks. But you want Africa and South-America too and than you need easy to use light weapons like Kalashnikov.
Everything that you ever was told about Sovjet is a lie and one of the major lies is that Sovjet commuism was a classless society. Sovjet had five distinct classes. On top was the new elite, the jews that was members of the communist party, the card-carrying jews. Under that you have the jews that was not members in the communist party. Next was the religious jews. They were accepted but just. Then came the non-jews that was members of the communist party and then on the bottom came the non-jews that was not a member of the communist party.
The elite in any country at any time and no matter the condition for the people will always have good standard. The jews that was in control of the Sovjet state couldn’t care less if the russian people was starving, had no home and had no shoes. All the Sovjet jews cared about was expanding their empire and for that they needed guns and ammo, hence they turned Sovjet into one big weapons factory.
The Bolshevik-Menshevik ”conflict” is just more jewish marxist-leninist bullshit. What it was all about was jewish gang wars. But whatever the jews diagrees on they all have one thing in common: How do we take control of the state? Zionism and communism is jewish gang war. The Communist jew gang said: We take control of the Russian state, rename it Sovjet and from there we take control of all the 200 states. The zionist jew gang said: We take control of the American state and from there we counqer the 200 states of the world.
Zionism and Communism are twins and they are both jewish frauds. Zionism is exactly the same con as communism: How do we get the stupid and ignorant non-jews to help us take control of the state?
If you want to control the 200 states of the world you start with taking control of the biggest countries, the smaller one you take later. There are two major jewish gangs, zionist and communist jew gang and the jew zionist gang took control of the American state starting at the same time as the communist gang started to work on taking control of the russian state.
The American state is the year 2009 totally controlled by the zionist jew gang. The jews are in total control of the American state and what the jews Always do when they take control of the state is that they start kicking out their useful Idiots that helped them take control of the state, the stupid and ignorant zionist-communist non-jews. Communist or zionist non-jew = Useful Idiot to take control of the state. Realzionistnews.com will explain it all and how the jews do it.
America and Sovjet is in fact the same thing – jewish imperialism. The communist jew gang diden’t make it, but it dosen’t matter because the zionist jew gang is still working on to conquer the 200 states of the world and what the communist jew gang will do is exactly the same thing as the Menshevik jew gang did in Sovjet, they just go over to the winning jew gang. Then it was the Bolshevik jew gang that was on top, now it’s the zionist jew gang.
You can call it whatever you want, all the jews care about is to control your state – with out you understanding that jews controls your state. The jewish conspiracy is about taking control of the biggest states there are and make them fight the jews proxy wars to take control of all the 200 states in the world.
What is American imperialism all about? Taking control of all the states in the world and who is controlling the American state? The jews and what did l tell you the jews want? America is just what Sovjet was, a jewish proxy war machine.

How the jews destroy your country? The jews promotes racemixing, jewish codeword ”Multiculti”. The more the jews controls your state the more racemixing-propaganda, in essence the more you hear the jewish codewords, MULTICULTI, DIVESITY, HOMOXSEX IS NATURAL, WE MUST HAVE MASSINVASION FROM ALL THE 3-WORLD COUNTRIES etc a day, the more your state is controlled by the jews. Every single paper, TV and radio in the whole western world is promoting MULTICULTI etc 24-7.
Hello Joy, thx for the very nice comment 80) Well, when people copy and past your writing you know you're good. l have studied communism all my life and it took me 25 years to figure it out - communism is a jewish fraud. l woke up to the jew conspiracy three years ago and l asked myself: Can there be a jewish conspiracy and if so: How does it work?
This article is the top of it and gives the big picture. For the details and how the jews does it the place to start is RealZionistNews.com
l will ad your blog on my blog. l added these sentences at the end on my blog. See you Hoff
Forced racemixing and created ethnic conflicts. And yes – it’s the jews destroying your and all countries in the world.
Hi Hoff!
Your piece was short, concise and straight to the point. I loved it! Keep up the great work, and it is work. I am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.
I hope you don't mind that I posted your writing. It was too good to NOT share!
Excellent,post Joy..
Now we know how dish is duh vay.
Slap the damn beanies off the khazar filth
Thanks Cleveland, but the true credit goes to Hoff over at:
He has alot of info and common sense posted there.
BTW, it's good to see my friend!
This is what the jews do.
This is how the jews do it.
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