Friday, November 13, 2009

South Africa: When Words Just Aren't Enough

South Africa: When Words Just Aren't Enough

I posted this on the DIC forum earlier tonight, and I felt it was right to post here as well, so as many people see this as possible. I'm emotionally drained and wont be watching it again. I know some will not be able to view. It's graphic, and it will haunt you for a long time after just like so many of the atrocities against our Folk. Here then, is that post in its entirety.

I get tons of videos recommended to me everyday by the various folks I've befriended on jewtube, and the truth of the matter is that I don't have time to watch even 10% of the stuff that gets forwarded to me. This one, I just happened to open up...and I am not so sure it was a good idea. My mood this evening has been utterly ruined by what I've seen, and I have been very nearly moved to tears. I know the reality of South Africa, and have seen many of these photos at one time or another, but there is something quite disturbing about seeing it all in one place, one horrific image after another, my racial Kindred being slaughtered like common pigs, while the Western world turns a blind eye. The impact is profound and puts what our future holds in grim perspective.

I get tired some times, wondering if any of this is ultimately worth it all in the end. Nothing ever seems to change and we lose more ground every day. Then I see something like this video and the realization hits me all over again that there are forces actively working to see you and me meet a fate every bit as unspeakable as what you are about to witness. It's for something far bigger that we're all fighting, laying the groundwork for those who come after us. It wont be in our life times, but justice is going to be served. That's the thought that keeps me going through the hard days.

*What follows is very graphic and may not be something you want to see. I had reservations about posting it at all, but, I think it must be seen.


  1. Very good of you to get this posted up Joy. Alot of people have no idea at all what life is really like for white folk in SA.

    The more of us that get word out, the more it will get around in the states - and further. They have been forgotten way too long.

  2. I am glad I could do it Jeff.

    Anonymous, I will try that this afternoon. Thank you for those alternatives!

  3. I echo Jeff's sentiments,Joy. Thanks for posting this.

    I have posted the video in other venues, and I have urged, just as anonymous is suggesting, that anyone with alternative media video hosting accounts upload on those sites. We will NOT allow them to flush the genocide of our White Brothers and Sisters down the memory hole.

  4. RM did you post this at the sites listed with Anonymous? I checked this morning and Podblanc is not accepting new users at this time due to some technical issues and WNtube I have signed up to but as yet have not posted anything. Let me know, as Wntube does not accept duplicates.

  5. Actually, I didn't upload to podblanc or wntube(it was in a myspace bulletin, which other members reposted to keep the thing going viral). I don't have an account with either of those sites, because, quite frankly, I have no idea how to upload video, which was why I was urging anyone who knew how to do so.

    ...but, if there are already copies of it, then I guess the mission has been accomplished. Or, if there's not and you know how to do it, go ahead...

    Mr. Murray would really be the guy to ask about this tech stuff. I remember he managed to save that video of the "obongo yoof squad" with their gold lame' boots even after it was deleted from youtube.

    I wonder if there is a way to save video on your computer, to be uploaded as needed, in case the stuff disappears from those sites as well. This old dog will have to learn new tricks. :(

    And I'm not sure how this happened, but podblanc is showing up in my newsfeeds on the blogger dashboard along with the blogs I subscribe to even though I have nothing to do with podblanc and didn't initiate such a request to become a "follower." Strangely, it happened ever since the SA vid and my requests for folks to upload. Not a big deal, but I'm mystified by it...

  6. You can download any Youtube video to your computer. That's what I did, but could not figure out how to upload it to blogger. I will try the "WNtube" later today.
    I WILL figure it out! It will be a thorn in my side until I do.

  7. .....Hello?

    .....This is your old friend...

  8. Thanks for trying to upload it to other places Joy

    If you have troubles with it you could just upload original video file to (or any other filehosting) and let download and eventually spread it.

  9. Patrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Where the hell have you been????
    You do not realise how much you have been missed!How are you? Your family?
    It is sooooooooooo goooood to see you! We have so much to catch up on. The girls wil be excited that I heard from you!You know my email, contact me.

  10. Patrick, you have made my day!
